The Country Cottage Estates Homeowners' Association, Inc. (CCE) Architectural
Control Committee (ACC), as provided for in the CCE governing documents,
is made up of Members of the Association chosen by the Board of Directors
each year following election of Board of Directors at the Annual Owners'
Meeting and Elections. In brief, the purpose of the Committee is to
provide a review of proposed construction, exterior renovations or
new additions to existing properties within the development in an
effort to ensure existing rules and regulations are followed and that
a reasonable level of consistent/harmony of exterior design is maintained
prior to the beginning of any such construction, exterior renovations
or additions. As a reminder, all Owners are required to submit construction
plans, specifications and plot plans, showing the location of the
structure(s) along with the required
Submittal Form and $50.00 review fee and no building shall
be erected until said submittal has been provided and approved by
the Architectural Control Committee. The current Members serving on
the Committee are:
2020-21 Architectural Control Committee Members
James Deville
Robert Meyer
George McGovern
In an effort to avoid potentially incurring addition construction
expense resulting from having to perhaps "redo" that which
was not previously submitted/approved, we strongly encourage
all Owners to make the required submittals and gain the needed approval(s)
prior to beginning any construction . With that in mind, we
encourage all to contact the Management Office for any needed assistance
regarding the submittal/approval process. As a convenience, we are
providing a link to the required Submittal
Form and related information
The proceeding is intended as a brief overview of the Architectural
Control Committee and its purpose and function. Nothing contain herein
is intended to supersede any covenant, by-law, rules or regulations
that may be contained in other governing documents involving the Association.
Owners are encouraged to review all documents for a more complete
understanding of the Association in general and individual Owner obligations
as a Member of the Association. If
in doubt, contact the
Management Office with any question(s) and we will do their
best to get you an answer.